
Workshop - Installing Optical Fiber Cables by Blowing into Microtubes – Challenges and Perspectives in Romania
13 Noiembrie 2024
Parc Industrial Teraplast Sărățel, Bistrița-Năsăud

Workshop - Installing Optical Fiber Cables by Blowing into Microtubes – Challenges and Perspectives in Romania

TeraDuct by TeraPlast had the opportunity to present innovative solutions for telecommunications infrastructure and demonstrate their performance in the testing field. The discussions and exchange of ideas offered new perspectives and inspiration for future collaborations.

Workshop 8 – Installation of fiber optic cables in micro tubes
17 octombrie 2019

Workshop 8 – Installation of fiber optic cables in micro tubes

As we have had support from MCSI at the workshops conducted so far, we need the involvement of all those interested in developing a „Good Practice Guide for installing FO cables through micro tubes”.

Workshop 7 – Fiber Optic Sensing For Utilities and Industry
2 octombrie 2018
Grand Phoenicia Hotel, București

Workshop 7 – Fiber Optic Sensing For Utilities and Industry

The workshop was held on October 2, 2018 at Grand Phenicia Hotel, Bucharest with 2 of the AFOR members, Teledatanet and ATL and it was the first event in our country dedicated exclusively to optical fibers sensors for industrial applications, including ...

Workshop 6 – Specialty fibers good for Romanian market
29 mai 2018
Bucuresti, Grand Phoenicia Hotel

Workshop 6 – Specialty fibers good for Romanian market

On May 29, 2018  it was the first event dedicated exclusively to optical fibers for special applications in Romania. This event took place at Grand Phenicia Hotel, the northern part of the capital. For those who do not work in this field, applicatio

Workshop 5 – Fiber Optic Measurements
08 noiembrie 2017
Bucuresti, Hotel Grand Phoenicia

Workshop 5 – Fiber Optic Measurements

Workshop 5: Fiber optic measurementsLocation: Bucharest, Grand Phenicia Hotel. Participants: 28 persons (Annex 1), from AFORANCOM – 2 personsA standardization association: ASRO7 members AFOR: Celesta, Prysmian, Romkatel, R&M Romania, Telecom ...

Workshop 4 – Connecting Fiber Optic Cables
04 octombrie 2017
Bucuresti, Hotel Grand Phoenicia

Workshop 4 – Connecting Fiber Optic Cables

It has been emphasized that the main parameter for checking the quality of a fiber optic junction (KPI) is the attenuation of a junction, which is not measured / read with the optical fiber junction device, but with the OTDR.

Workshop 3 – Indoor fiber optic cables
01 iulie 2017

Workshop 3 – Indoor fiber optic cables

Location: Slatina, Prysmian fiber optic cable factory Participants: 8 persons (Annex 1), from ANCOM,AFORPrysmian (manufacturer of indoor FO cables and AFOR member)2 telecom operators (RCS & RDS and GTS Telecom)They wanted to reach this workshop more

Workshop 2 – CPR / forbidden outdoor cables inside buildings
18 mai 2017

Workshop 2 – CPR / forbidden outdoor cables inside buildings

Thursday 18 May 2017 AFOR organized the 2nd Workshop in Slatina. Theme: ” CPR- or the ban on using indoor the outdoor cables starting with 1st July 2017″.

Workshop 1 – Installation of fiber optic cables in Romania
04 mai 2017

Workshop 1 – Installation of fiber optic cables in Romania

On May 4, 2017, AFOR organized a workshop with the theme “Installation of fiber optic cables in Romania” at Slatina, together with Prysmian, at the fiber optic cable factory. MINUTE Date: May 4, 2017 Workshop 1: Installation of fiber optic c