We are excited to await the 10 finalist students at the national stage of the competition, hosted by @HUB Technical University of Construction Cluj-Napoca! The 10 finalists were selected following the evaluation of 75 students in the local finals that took place in February in 10 high schools in the country.
Organized according to international standards, based on exclusively practical, industry-specific tests, which were developed by practitioners in the field, the competition represents an educational opportunity for students who want to follow their passion for telecommunications.
The first three ranked students will form the WorldSkills Batch of Fiber Optic Splicers, and the winner of the competition will represent Romania at the WorldSkills Lyon 2024 International Trade Olympiad, Information Network Cabling section. The National Team will benefit from intensive training at the national and international level, and the members of the team will represent Romania at various WorldSkills competitions.
@DIGI RCS&RDS will offer each student placed on the podium a package of services consisting of internet and mobile telephony for a year, along with a mobile phone
@Associatia ANISP – The National Association of Internet Service Providers from Romania will support the performance of each of the 10 participants with individual scholarships worth 600 lei
The WorldSkills Fiber Optic Splicers competition from Romania is organized by @worldskillsromania and @AFOR (the Romanian Fiber Optic Association), @Technical College of Communications "Augustin Maior" Cluj-Napoca, with the support of @ANISP Association - National Association of Internet Service Providers from Romania, @Universitatea Tehnica from Cluj Napoca, but also more than 14 companies.
The competition is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Skills Competitions for VET Development project no. 2022-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000086141.
WorldSkills competitions are officially recognized by the Ministry of Education through the Calendar of National School Competitions no. 24750 of 29.01.2024. Details here: https://shorturl.at/kGQS5.
#WeAreWorldSkills #UnitedBySkills
@Colegiul N.V. Karpen Bacău
@Colegiul Tehnic De Poștă Și Telecomunicații Gheorghe Airinei București
@Colegiul Tehnic De Comunicații Augustin Maior Cluj-Napoca
@Liceul Tehnologic De Electrotehnică Și Telecomunicații Constanța
@Liceul Tehnologic Transilvania Deva
@Liceul Tehnologic De Electronică Și Telecomunicații Gheorghe Mârzescu Iași
@Colegiul Tehnic George Barițiu Baia Mare
@Liceul Tehnologic Domnul Tudor Drobeta Turnu Severin
@Colegiul Tehnic Emanuil Ungureanu Timisoara
@Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Cai Ferate Craiova
Tuesday, 30.04.2024