
Date: 22.11.2024

Competiția WorldSkills de Jonctori Fibră Optică are loc între 20-22 mai la Cluj-Napoca!
Date: 17.05.2024

Competiția WorldSkills de Jonctori Fibră Optică are loc între 20-22 mai la Cluj-Napoca!

Aflată la prima ediție, competiția este găzduită de HUB @Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca și reunește 10 finaliști ce au fost selectați în urma evaluării a 75 de elevi în cadrul finalelor locale ce au avut loc în luna februarie în 10 licee din țară.

The WorldSkills Fiber Optic Splicers competition takes place between May 20-22 in Cluj-Napoca!
Date: 09.05.2024

The WorldSkills Fiber Optic Splicers competition takes place between May 20-22 in Cluj-Napoca!

We are excited to await the 10 finalist students at the national stage of the competition, hosted by @HUB Technical University of Construction Cluj-Napoca! The 10 finalists were selected following the evaluation of 75 students in the local finals that too

6 girls from Craiova, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Timișoara, and Iași are among the best young Fiber Optic Jointers in Romania
Date: 30.04.2024

6 girls from Craiova, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Timișoara, and Iași are among the best young Fiber Optic Jointers in Romania

• 75 students, including 14 girls, participated in the local phase of the WorldSkills Fiber Optic Jointers Competition. • 6 out of the 14 girls were among the winners in the local phases held in Craiova, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Timișoara, and

The first edition of the WorldSkills Fiber Optic Splicing Competition has begun
Date: 30.04.2024

The first edition of the WorldSkills Fiber Optic Splicing Competition has begun

10 years after the introduction of the Fiber Optic Splicer profession into the Romanian Occupations Code by the Romanian Fiber Optic Association, the training of future fiber optic specialists is ensured within the 10 telecommunications high schools of th

A new specialization at “Karpen” College from Bacău
Date: 28.04.2024

A new specialization at “Karpen” College from Bacău

Several students from College “N. V. Karpen” Bacău, from different levels of training, participated for several days last week in courses about optical fiber. The course was taught by professors Virgil Popa and Paul Cucu, under the direct gui