Fiber Optic Association
AFOR is a professional association that includes fiber optic companies, operators, cable manufacturers, fiber optic accessories and equipment, designers, consultants, service providers, fiber optic infrastructure developers/operators, professors, university assistants and other specialists working in this field.
In 2015, AFOR managed to introduce in COR the fiber optic junction profession, code 742215 and we constantly organize splicing, measurements, network design courses and special training by request for the fiber optic industry.
AFOR coordinates The Fiber Optic Training workshop from FTTH Europe Council. Also we participate to conferences organized by our partners: Communications Day, ECAI, Interlan, ARSC, AREL.
AFOR conceived the SR 13558 standard approved by ASRO in 2014. AFOR is a member of the Technical Committee CT 138 Fiber Optics within ASRO and permanently communicates with ANCOM, MDRAP and MCSI.
Since its inception, AFOR had as a main purpose the growth of the professional quality of the specialists who work in this field.
Because the the fiber optic junction trade was missing from the professions list, finally made its way through under the name of JO Fiber Optic, code 742215, approved on 27th of November 2015. The training courses are organized in collaboration with Optikline, which is accredited by ANC.
Aflată la prima ediție, competiția este găzduită de HUB @Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca și reunește 10 finaliști ce au fost selectați în urma evaluării a 75 de elevi în cadrul finalelor locale ce au avut loc în luna februarie în 10 licee din țară.
We are excited to await the 10 finalist students at the national stage of the competition, hosted by @HUB Technical University of Construction Cluj-Napoca! The 10 finalists were selected following the evaluation of 75 students in the local finals that too